Good morning
your loved ones!
Maybe it's one or the other have noticed
Rosine has changed. Oh yeah, also evolve
raisins. The Lydia wooly times has noticed!
Rosine was at the barber and has his hair dyed. Her hair is grown out
. 50 €, you pay for. Hihi. Now she makes
to discover new things. On my drawing pad can follow her there.
For several days I have a small problem.
When I visit your blog on there
often lack the photos or it can be seen only one
instead of two. it to others as well? Or to deny bloggers
only save me the view /?
addition, I when you post the link of a
other blogs but not aktivieren.Das
is only for new Blogger version. On my
Malblog seems the older version to run
, I can intigrieren links in the text.
Outside in the garden raisin the sun shines.
It's another one about 10 cm deep snow cover. My blogger
from Finland told me that in her garden
1m - in words Meter - snow.
Because I can be satisfied.
I wish you a great Tuesday!!
your raisin
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